(Computerworld) - Microsoft Corp. launched the Internet Explorer 8 today, beating its closest competitor, Mozilla Corp., in the race toward final code.
The new browser will be available to coincide with a keynote speech at Mix09, the Microsoft-sponsored conference where IE8 Web Developer will be introduced, said James Pratt, a senior product manager IE development team.
"We will be releasing IE8 [release to manufacturing] in 25 languages for Windows Vista, XP, Server 2003 and Server 2008," said Pratt.
Windows 7 users, most of them running the beta version that premiered Jan. 10, will not see the final version of IE8 Microsoft provides to the public in March next operating system, said Pratt. He refused to promise that the last bit of the browser would make Windows 7 Release Candidate, which Microsoft has strongly hinted will be offered to the general public. "But that would be ideal," he said.
People already use an earlier version of IE8 - Microsoft issued two bands and a release candidate in the last 12 months - will be offered the final code through the Windows Update "over the coming weeks," said Pratt. "We want them to have the most up-to-date version."
In some yet-unspecified later date, Microsoft will "connect" IE8's automatic download and installation through Windows Update for the older people running IE6 or IE7 browsers. In January, the company issued a set of tools that the corporate IT administrators can use IE8 to block the installation when the Microsoft Windows Update pulls the trigger.
Pratt was confident that Microsoft's servers would get up waiting to load when users start hitting your site to IE8 today. In January, Microsoft had to postpone and restart the public beta release of Windows 7 after crushing overwhelmed its servers. "An operating system and browser are different size packages," he noted. "We had a lot of experience releasing browsers, and I am confident that he will be available to all users who want to."
As the company promised last November, Microsoft used what for him was a fast-paced cycle development near the end, sticking to his promise, then the only issue a "Release Candidate" building, which he did in late January 2009, before moving on to the final.
But does not mean that Microsoft has its foot on the gas. "We are very deliberate in how we release a product," Pratt said, when asked if Microsoft would pick up the pace of the game faster cycles of some of its rivals such as Mozilla Corp. and Google Inc. "When we build a browser , we must balance the needs of a number of customers, "he said, including companies that are traditionally reluctant to change the software.
Ironically, Microsoft Mozilla nimble slow beat in the race for the next major update. Had to postpone the Mozilla Firefox 3.5, formerly called 3.1, several times over the past eight months and has yet to issue a release candidate.
Still, Mozilla welcomed the IE8 launch. "We are happy to see that Microsoft is not standing still," said Mike Beltzner, director of Firefox. "But we are not standing still either. Browser makers have to keep it [because] people expect more of the Web today."
Friday, March 20, 2009
Monday, March 16, 2009
Electric car: Been there, done that, doing it again
Electric cars and their charging stations are everywhere in "Watchmen". Dr. Manhattan foreshadows the inevitable future in a flashback to the portion of retirement in 1962 Hollis Mason (aka Nite Owl I) when he says the "new electric car will be even easier" than the gas guzzlers of the time. In the real world, the electric car is making waves with GM in 1997 by the introduction of the EV1. The limited production car was crushed in 2003, as described in the film "Who Killed the Electric Car?" Now , vehicle batteries make a valiant return. The Tesla Roadster is already available, and virtually every other major car manufacturers is in charge of plans for deployment models in the coming years, including the Chevrolet Volt, showed here.
Been there,
doing it again,
done that,
Electric car
The creepy side of social sites
Social networking sites such as Facebook, MySpace and Twitter may seem like the West - anything goes. But even with the access and the vastness of the Web, the rules once you've learned on the playground still apply.
"There was a big cultural change in how we communicate and document our social life in recent years, but we have not been taught or online digital ways," says Jo Bryant, an adviser to the UK based on the label of authority Debrett's, which added a section on social networks of their label "AZ of Modern Manners" in early 2008.
Rule No. 1? Treat others with kindness and respect, Debrett advises. For more complicated situations, here is a guide to be a good citizen and using digital technology wisely:
Rule: Do not talk shit to the public
One of the most important, experts say, there is such a thing as too much information. You have a suspicious mole? Your intestines are on a rampage after burrito? Talk to your doctor or someone with whom you have a relationship where it is acceptable. But you should think twice before putting what your status message or Twittering about it.
"When you put something that your status is like shouting across the room," says columnist Technotica Helen AS Popkin MSNBC. "So, your status is not the right place to write:" I am divorced. "
Adam Jackson, who co-wrote the book "140 characters", a style guide to Twitter, he always cautions people to avoid "tweets bathroom."
"There are things that we feel compelled to say about Twitter as if there are no consequences at all," he said. "But everything is archived."
Article: Learn self-defense
"There is a bit of a risk of losing control of certain personal information," says John Abell, editor of the East Coast of wired.com. ... One reason is that you often forget how things are widely disseminated. "
Although May you have only to your online friends 112 to see the status message stating that you hate your job, or that picture of you locking lips with a stranger, it can spread like a fire if you do not know not your settings. Make sure you are aware of who can see what is on your profile, especially if you are uncomfortable with the exchange of information with the world.
In addition, Popkin said, it is acceptable to remove any other comments on the pictures of your wall or if they are not appropriate.
"You can send an e-mail to your friends that you will enjoy if they keep their own observations," she says. "We must also remember that someone's mother or boss may be looking for their profile You must be respectful of your comments as well. "
Kirsten Dixson, an expert brand online, with Google you from time to time to ensure that you know that exists. "You want to make very unflattering personal information or, if on the Web, is buried at least three hours a Google search page," she says.
Rule: Smile for the camera
Remember that the holiday party where you had too much eggnog and ended with your shirt on his head? A few months later that the picture you have forgotten ends on the Web. In this situation it is probably in your best interest to UNTAG of the image.
Popkin said really embarrassing for the photos, you can and should request that the picture is taken from the Web. "Your friends can tell you about cloth, but just take it in stride and laugh at yourself," she says. "You can always blame on the hearing frightening stories on the Internet."
To avoid being caught off guard, make sure you adjust your settings so you are notified when a photo of you is marked.
Rule: bite people can be annoying
One of the golden rules Debrett's is "Do not disturb your friends constantly frenetic stung." The problem with the bag, a feature on Facebook, which is a digital version of biting someone with your finger, is that there is no collective understanding of what it means. Some are literally as a sexual initiation, while others say it is just a way of saying "hey." Depending on the nature of your relationship with the "poke" you can determine whether handheld or not - just to keep a minimum.
If you are on the wrong side of an aggressive poker, Popkin suggests ignoring the pocket, but leaving in place - the author sting will be unable to continue to target you.
Rule: Break like a big kid
Break is difficult to do - crying, anger, excuses - so why not avoid guilt by sending a text message or MySpace? Breaking up digital is becoming more common and more acceptable, "says Julie Albright, a sociologist at the University of Southern California who studies the relationships and technology.
"It is not too long on" Sex and the City "when Carrie said:" I dumped with a Post-it notes, "says Albright." Now, "I l ' dumped to a post on Facebook. "
If the relationship is temporary - and both parties understand that occasionally - it may be an option. But if two of you discussed wedding songs and chosen baby names, you have to dump the old: face to face.
Rule: Do not be spooky
Social networking offers unprecedented access to events in people's lives. This can make it easy to stalk your ex. Once upon a time you had your gift to black cap, cut the headlights and try to roll past unnoticed at his house, a preview of his new life without you. Now, with just the click of a mouse, you can see who is flirting with him, what the parties he attended, and obtain an eyeful of the new woman on his arm.
Do not do it for you, advises Albright. Not only are you goosebumps (even if he does not know this), but going much more difficult to obtain during the relationship.
"It's much easier to become obsessed with someone and want to follow developments in them," she says. "It is better in May to block or your ex unfriend so you do not have to face temptation."
It is also acceptable to block or unfriend exes if you do not want to see what's on your page.
Rule: If you do not want to play, that's OK
You have crossed the country out of this girl who tormented you in high school, and now she is trying to your friend. Do not worry, "said Popkin, ignore the request.
"You do not have a friend to people, just like in the real world," she says. "The best thing to do is ignore them, block them and forget."
This may be easier said than done, especially if the application that you are ignorant from a co-worker or boss with whom you interact on a daily basis.
"I have a friend on Facebook from San Francisco who has faced this problem a couple of embarrassing times," said Abell. "She had to tell a co-worker" I do not Facebook friends with people whom I work. "
The easiest way is to tell the unwanted friend politely that you try to keep your small network, or you want to keep family and friends.
"If your boss requires that you always accept a request for friendship, then it is a moron and you should probably look for another job," says Popkin.
"There was a big cultural change in how we communicate and document our social life in recent years, but we have not been taught or online digital ways," says Jo Bryant, an adviser to the UK based on the label of authority Debrett's, which added a section on social networks of their label "AZ of Modern Manners" in early 2008.
Rule No. 1? Treat others with kindness and respect, Debrett advises. For more complicated situations, here is a guide to be a good citizen and using digital technology wisely:
Rule: Do not talk shit to the public
One of the most important, experts say, there is such a thing as too much information. You have a suspicious mole? Your intestines are on a rampage after burrito? Talk to your doctor or someone with whom you have a relationship where it is acceptable. But you should think twice before putting what your status message or Twittering about it.
"When you put something that your status is like shouting across the room," says columnist Technotica Helen AS Popkin MSNBC. "So, your status is not the right place to write:" I am divorced. "
Adam Jackson, who co-wrote the book "140 characters", a style guide to Twitter, he always cautions people to avoid "tweets bathroom."
"There are things that we feel compelled to say about Twitter as if there are no consequences at all," he said. "But everything is archived."
Article: Learn self-defense
"There is a bit of a risk of losing control of certain personal information," says John Abell, editor of the East Coast of wired.com. ... One reason is that you often forget how things are widely disseminated. "
Although May you have only to your online friends 112 to see the status message stating that you hate your job, or that picture of you locking lips with a stranger, it can spread like a fire if you do not know not your settings. Make sure you are aware of who can see what is on your profile, especially if you are uncomfortable with the exchange of information with the world.
In addition, Popkin said, it is acceptable to remove any other comments on the pictures of your wall or if they are not appropriate.
"You can send an e-mail to your friends that you will enjoy if they keep their own observations," she says. "We must also remember that someone's mother or boss may be looking for their profile You must be respectful of your comments as well. "
Kirsten Dixson, an expert brand online, with Google you from time to time to ensure that you know that exists. "You want to make very unflattering personal information or, if on the Web, is buried at least three hours a Google search page," she says.
Rule: Smile for the camera
Remember that the holiday party where you had too much eggnog and ended with your shirt on his head? A few months later that the picture you have forgotten ends on the Web. In this situation it is probably in your best interest to UNTAG of the image.
Popkin said really embarrassing for the photos, you can and should request that the picture is taken from the Web. "Your friends can tell you about cloth, but just take it in stride and laugh at yourself," she says. "You can always blame on the hearing frightening stories on the Internet."
To avoid being caught off guard, make sure you adjust your settings so you are notified when a photo of you is marked.
Rule: bite people can be annoying
One of the golden rules Debrett's is "Do not disturb your friends constantly frenetic stung." The problem with the bag, a feature on Facebook, which is a digital version of biting someone with your finger, is that there is no collective understanding of what it means. Some are literally as a sexual initiation, while others say it is just a way of saying "hey." Depending on the nature of your relationship with the "poke" you can determine whether handheld or not - just to keep a minimum.
If you are on the wrong side of an aggressive poker, Popkin suggests ignoring the pocket, but leaving in place - the author sting will be unable to continue to target you.
Rule: Break like a big kid
Break is difficult to do - crying, anger, excuses - so why not avoid guilt by sending a text message or MySpace? Breaking up digital is becoming more common and more acceptable, "says Julie Albright, a sociologist at the University of Southern California who studies the relationships and technology.
"It is not too long on" Sex and the City "when Carrie said:" I dumped with a Post-it notes, "says Albright." Now, "I l ' dumped to a post on Facebook. "
If the relationship is temporary - and both parties understand that occasionally - it may be an option. But if two of you discussed wedding songs and chosen baby names, you have to dump the old: face to face.
Rule: Do not be spooky
Social networking offers unprecedented access to events in people's lives. This can make it easy to stalk your ex. Once upon a time you had your gift to black cap, cut the headlights and try to roll past unnoticed at his house, a preview of his new life without you. Now, with just the click of a mouse, you can see who is flirting with him, what the parties he attended, and obtain an eyeful of the new woman on his arm.
Do not do it for you, advises Albright. Not only are you goosebumps (even if he does not know this), but going much more difficult to obtain during the relationship.
"It's much easier to become obsessed with someone and want to follow developments in them," she says. "It is better in May to block or your ex unfriend so you do not have to face temptation."
It is also acceptable to block or unfriend exes if you do not want to see what's on your page.
Rule: If you do not want to play, that's OK
You have crossed the country out of this girl who tormented you in high school, and now she is trying to your friend. Do not worry, "said Popkin, ignore the request.
"You do not have a friend to people, just like in the real world," she says. "The best thing to do is ignore them, block them and forget."
This may be easier said than done, especially if the application that you are ignorant from a co-worker or boss with whom you interact on a daily basis.
"I have a friend on Facebook from San Francisco who has faced this problem a couple of embarrassing times," said Abell. "She had to tell a co-worker" I do not Facebook friends with people whom I work. "
The easiest way is to tell the unwanted friend politely that you try to keep your small network, or you want to keep family and friends.
"If your boss requires that you always accept a request for friendship, then it is a moron and you should probably look for another job," says Popkin.
Monday, March 9, 2009
Very Surprising memory trick2
You can see that you're not careful when you doodle, but science says otherwise.
Researchers in the United Kingdom found that subjects who doodled while listening to a recorded message 29 percent had a better recall of details of the message that those who did not doodle. The results were published in Applied Cognitive Psychology.
"If someone makes a boring task, like listening to a dull conversation, they begin to dream in May," study researcher Professor Jackie Andrade, the School of Psychology at the University of Plymouth, has stated in a press release issued by the magazine publisher. "Daydreaming distracts them from the task, resulting in poorer performance. A simple task, such as doodling, may be sufficient to stop the dream, without affecting performance on the main task. "
For the experience of two and a half minute list of names of people and places has been played for test subjects, who were charged to write the names of people, told to attend a party. During recording, half the participants were invited to both the shadow formed on a piece of paper without attention to cleanliness. Participants said they were taking part in a memory test.
When recording is completed, all were invited for the eight names of the participants as well as eight names of places mentioned in the audio. Guests to doodle writing, on average, 7.5 and names of places, while those who were not listed only 5.8 doodle.
"In psychology, tests of memory or attention will often use a second task to block selectively a mental," said Andrade. "If this process is important for the primary cognitive task, then performance will be affected. My research shows that the beneficial effects of secondary tasks, such as doodling on the merger in May offset the effects of selective inhibition. "
In everyday life, "said Andrade, doodling" May be something for us because it helps keep us on track with a boring task, rather than being a useless distraction that we should try to resist the action. "
Researchers in the United Kingdom found that subjects who doodled while listening to a recorded message 29 percent had a better recall of details of the message that those who did not doodle. The results were published in Applied Cognitive Psychology.
"If someone makes a boring task, like listening to a dull conversation, they begin to dream in May," study researcher Professor Jackie Andrade, the School of Psychology at the University of Plymouth, has stated in a press release issued by the magazine publisher. "Daydreaming distracts them from the task, resulting in poorer performance. A simple task, such as doodling, may be sufficient to stop the dream, without affecting performance on the main task. "
For the experience of two and a half minute list of names of people and places has been played for test subjects, who were charged to write the names of people, told to attend a party. During recording, half the participants were invited to both the shadow formed on a piece of paper without attention to cleanliness. Participants said they were taking part in a memory test.
When recording is completed, all were invited for the eight names of the participants as well as eight names of places mentioned in the audio. Guests to doodle writing, on average, 7.5 and names of places, while those who were not listed only 5.8 doodle.
"In psychology, tests of memory or attention will often use a second task to block selectively a mental," said Andrade. "If this process is important for the primary cognitive task, then performance will be affected. My research shows that the beneficial effects of secondary tasks, such as doodling on the merger in May offset the effects of selective inhibition. "
In everyday life, "said Andrade, doodling" May be something for us because it helps keep us on track with a boring task, rather than being a useless distraction that we should try to resist the action. "
Saturday, March 7, 2009
How to stop Wi-Fi poachers
Dang neighbors! Always getting the milk for free, while you're paying for the cow. Here's how to make your network invisible to the outside world.
Everyone has a different system to keep your home secure networks. And by "secure" I mean "safe from cheapskate neighbors who seek to steal some free Internet."
Some users rely on their router WPA encryption capabilities, while others use the MAC address filtering. Some do both. I'm not wild about either approach, since it involves a lot of hoop-jumping when I have to add new devices to the network.
Instead, I'm a fan of invisibility. I had the simple step of disabling the SSID broadcast on my router, my network that effectively invisible to the neighbors. Hey, can not steal what they do not know is there, right?
If you have ever found a stranger in your own home or, for example, the local coffee shop, you know what I mean. Stray router Wi-Fi signals bounce around the place. However, a PC can be seen only by those networks broadcast SSID. Shutting down, and it is as if the router is not even there.
Of course, it's there for your PC and devices connected to the Internet. So how do you connect to a network invisible? Just enter the network name manually. In Vista, for example, the head of the Center for Network and Sharing, click Set up a connection or network, and then manually choose to connect to a wireless network. Enter your network name (as designated in the router) and you're good to go. You should also check this link to start automatically so you do not have to repeat this process, and to connect even if the network is not broadcasting to overcome natural resistance to Vista network invisible.
If you do not know how to turn off the SSID broadcast of the router, see the manual. In my D-Link router, the setting is actually called Visibilidad state your mileage may vary.
This is not a bulletproof security solution. I am sure that many people call me stupid, reckless and other choice words. But because I have targeted the suburbs security needs, I do not feel the need for encryption, filtering and other tough measures.
Everyone has a different system to keep your home secure networks. And by "secure" I mean "safe from cheapskate neighbors who seek to steal some free Internet."
Some users rely on their router WPA encryption capabilities, while others use the MAC address filtering. Some do both. I'm not wild about either approach, since it involves a lot of hoop-jumping when I have to add new devices to the network.
Instead, I'm a fan of invisibility. I had the simple step of disabling the SSID broadcast on my router, my network that effectively invisible to the neighbors. Hey, can not steal what they do not know is there, right?
If you have ever found a stranger in your own home or, for example, the local coffee shop, you know what I mean. Stray router Wi-Fi signals bounce around the place. However, a PC can be seen only by those networks broadcast SSID. Shutting down, and it is as if the router is not even there.
Of course, it's there for your PC and devices connected to the Internet. So how do you connect to a network invisible? Just enter the network name manually. In Vista, for example, the head of the Center for Network and Sharing, click Set up a connection or network, and then manually choose to connect to a wireless network. Enter your network name (as designated in the router) and you're good to go. You should also check this link to start automatically so you do not have to repeat this process, and to connect even if the network is not broadcasting to overcome natural resistance to Vista network invisible.
If you do not know how to turn off the SSID broadcast of the router, see the manual. In my D-Link router, the setting is actually called Visibilidad state your mileage may vary.
This is not a bulletproof security solution. I am sure that many people call me stupid, reckless and other choice words. But because I have targeted the suburbs security needs, I do not feel the need for encryption, filtering and other tough measures.
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